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Answers to common questions about performing Wild Symphony, buying the sheet music, and obtaining rights for dramatic presentations. For additional help, please contact us through the form below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wild Symphony is the first project for children by NY Times #1 best-selling author Dan Brown, consisting of an illustrated book of poetry, symphonic suite, and an app. Learn more here.

You can purchase the book from major online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Wal-Mart, and in person from your local/regional bookseller.

You can hear the music from Wild Symphony at major digital service providers such as Amazon, Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and many more in addition to the app. Learn more here.

When you hold your smartphone over the book with the app open, your device (or any connected devices) will instantly play the music corresponding to the particular page and animal which is open. Turn the page, jump ahead in the book or jump back, and the music will play virtually instantaneously. You can download the app here.

You can obtain the score, parts, permissions, and licenses in our Concert Kit, available here.

A Concert Kit is a bundled turnkey package designed to give you everything you need to put on a wonderful Wild Symphony concert/event. Included in the Kit are all the musical materials necessary for performance, Grand Rights permissions to use the text and imagery from the book, branded marketing materials for your publicity team, and more

You can purchase the sheet music directly from this site at this link. Available for sale are arrangements for solo piano (full piece), string quartet (7 movement suite), and Orff instruments (4 movement suite).

In addition to the full orchestral version and the sheet music versions listed above, there are also versions for reduced orchestra and wind symphony. To make any new arrangements or alterations to the composition(s), you must first obtain permission to do so. You can submit requests by writing to

Yes, any elements beyond those provided via the Performance Portal or additional creative elements like dance, acting, or animations require permission. Please contact if you would like to submit a request.

What are Grand Rights in music?

Grand rights refer to permissions needed for large-scale, dramatic presentations of a musical work, like operas, ballets, or musical theater. They are crucial for performances that go beyond just playing the music, involving elements like choreography, staging, or dramatic action.

Can I perform Wild Symphony in a concert without Grand Rights?

Yes, absolutely! For a standard concert performance where the music is performed without any theatrical or dramatic elements (meaning, use of the text and/or images from the Wild Symphony book), grand rights are typically not required. However, securing the right to use the score and parts to perform the piece is still necessary, which you can do here.

Do I need Grand Rights permissions to perform Wild Symphony in a school play?

Yes, if your school play incorporates dramatic elements with the music, such as acting or dance, obtaining permission is necessary.

Are Grand Rights required for a ballet set to Wild Symphony?

Yes, a ballet performance, being a dramatic work that interprets the music through dance, would require securing grand rights.

Who do I contact for obtaining additional Grand Rights for Wild Symphony?

Please contact to inquire about grand rights for Wild Symphony. Please be sure to include as much information as possible regarding the type of usage you are seeking to have approved.

Contact Us

Have a question about performing Wild Symphony or buying the sheet music? We’re here to help!

Looking for assistance with the Wild Symphony App? Please visit

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